Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wrong Coffee Shop :(

So I accidentally went to the coffee shop with bad reviews instead of the one a little farther down the block with the good reviews. I didn't realize this until after I bought the coffee and saw the full name printed on the cup (it's not on the outside). Putain. Be warned, do not go to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and the "& Tea Leaf" part of the title is not always displayed outside.

I've been noticing lately that people have voice twins. If I couldn't see him I'd swear that the guy sitting next to me right now was my cousin Dan.

I messed up my leg, and perhaps legs, a bit from running. I'm assuming that the cause is not enough stretching. I do stretch before and afterwards, but probably not for long enough....

So while I was running last night (10:30pm on the track - don't worry parents, there were other people there (including girls)). I got past a mile and began to notice that my stride had developed a sort of slight hobbling gait. But I need the exercise so I kept running. I got somewhere past two miles, maybe three, and the hobbling had gotten worse so I did the smart thing and stopped and then merde! My legs felt like jelly and even walking was a salope. I made it back to my dorm and Elizabeth gave me some Chinese oil to rub on (it smells like tiger balm), and in the course of its application I discovered a bump in the muscle of my left inside calf, painful to pressure.

My legs are doing better today - I can walk! Although they still feel tight, but they've pretty much been feeling that way since I started jogging regularly. So I'm thinking more stretching and switching from the track over to the ellipticals in the gym for a bit...


Strange dream I had last night:

I was in a building where Nazis were abound. I was then given a very small baby, no longer than my forearm, wrapped in a green blanket. To begin the oddities I think it was Chris and Kayla's... And I had to take the baby to safety somewhere. So I followed a dark-skinned woman in her low-sixties perhaps with grey-stroked hair. She was the leader of a group of young girls, 13-years-old or so, and we were running through a pine forest whose trees were losing its needles, lying reddish-brown on the ground. I was worried that I wasn't going in the right direction because I was running towards the front of the group, listening to the directions of the woman behind me. In the forest there were paths of sand, which would speed my running and whisk me along. The winding sand paths led out of the forest and onto a stretch of sand, maybe 3/4 of a mile wide.

At this point there was one tan girl in black cropped leggings and a green T-shirt leading the way before me. The sand was difficult to run in. The girl in front seemed to be able to keep her feet lightly on its surface, but mine kept sinking in a couple inches, slowing me down. We made it to the other side of the sand and saw a scene of the Alps out of the Sound of Music, the grass decorated with little white and yellow wild flowers.

Then I was in a bowling-alley sort of establishment and realized I had been holding onto the baby very tightly, trying not to lose it during the run. It wasn't making any sounds and I was afraid I had killed it. I unwrapped it from its blanket and stared at it pleading into its eyes with mine to show a sign of life and finally the blue pupils started to move, searching around the room.

I can't recall anything after this.


Revising my NSF GRF personal statement draft is on the agenda for today, and perhaps researching some Stateside graduate school programs.

I'm three weeks down out of eight here in LA. It's been fun and moving at the perfect pace. I'm looking forward to visiting Zac in a Atlanta for the first time right after my internship ends, then back to Buffalo for my 21st birthday and moving back into South Lake! Oh, to have an oven and microwave and full-sized fridge and freezer again, not to mention a full-sized bed and living room. Yay low cost of living in Buffalo! I'm gonna soak it up while I still can. I was looking at the website for EPFL, a kick-ass university with a kick-ass power and renewable energies electrical engineering Master's degree program in Laussane, Switzerland recommended to me by Nabil. The tuition was completely affordable, however the estimated cost of living for a year is ridiculous....

Okay, enough scrawling of thoughts. Time to get to work.

Currently Listening To: Charlie Winston
I love this song and fully got its meaning after watching the above video. Ironically enough, there is a homeless man picking through the garbage can outside, pouring the remaining drops of of discarded coffee cups into one.

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