Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The numbers game is getting me down

One website had the audacity to tell me that 30 minutes of jogging only burns 170 calories. Are you kidding me? I've decided to go with the one that tells me I burn 300 in 4 miles. And that's without taking UCLA's hills into account!

It's just frustrating, that despite starving myself (okay, so that's an exaggeration) and running 40+ minutes everyday I should only expect to lose 1lb per week. I guess I just thought exercising would have a greater impact...(let me know if I read the wrong articles >_>)

And it really doesn't help that CENS keeps throwing free food at me. I'm gonna just have to suck it up and bring my own food to the free lunches and dinners. I really never thought that the day would come that I, as a college student, would lament the gift of free meals, but here it is.

On a brighter note, $217 later and my progression in French is underway! I've signed up for grammar and conversational classes avec l'Alliance Francaise. J'espere apprendre beaucoup (and the cash is worth it)!

Okay, must begin writing personal statement for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF), despite the fact that I'm leaning more and more away from the world of research. It's too open-ended for me, too much trial-and-error, too many nights and weekends spent in the lab by PhD students, not to mention the politics of academia. So why am I still applying for this, despite the gross amount of time and effort it will require?Because people tell me I should keep all of my options open. Ugh.

So this has been a post of moans and groans, and I didn't even touch on how monotonous work has been (thank god I've got Elizabeth by my side and Pony Pony Run Run playing in my ears) or how I spent 45 minutes writing a kick-ass essay on my first practice GRE only for it all to be lost because I didn't know to hit the save button before time ran out.

Ok. So back to the chug of things.

To keep in line with my summer goals:
Tonight: Start personal statement draft
Tomorrow: Get up early to run, avoid free food!

Plans for this weekend:
Writing writing and more writing (for both NSF and for a lit review for work)
Something fun for the 4th of July
Monday off! (but probably consisting of writing and GRE prep work)

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