Monday, June 21, 2010

Where is my mind?

During the day I'm at UCLA. Today was orientation. My fellow CENS students are great (there are about 18 of us). They've got personality and the same thirst for adventure and fun outside of the lab. It should be a summer full of hiking, beaches, Magic Mountain, Salsa dancing, and the list goes on and on. I'm excited :)

As for my work, apparently the project I was told I was going to be working on and really wanted to work on didn't receive funding. Instead I'll be helping to design and program an apparatus that analyzes physical movement, for sports training and physical therapy applications. It doesn't fit into my "save the natural world!" life purpose, but it will at least give me Matlab skillz :P

And more free food has been all but thrown at me then I can handle. I just can't say no to the free leftovers...And I took some of the plastic plates, forks, and cups as well, to use for the next two months. God I feel like a shady scavenger, but I'm a college student, so it's okay.

The next two days are going to be more fun than work. They're taking us camping (not tenting, but in cabins) for a night on a nature reserve that is where CENS technology first started out , monitoring bird reproduction and such. It's completely off the grid, so I apologize if I don't answer anyone's texts for the next to days - no service. I'm super excited for the hiking. And they're giving us grilled chicken and steak for dinner, with S'mores around a bonfire for dessert :D

Oh, and I lost my Trader Joe's virginity last night. People really hype it up, but I say Wegmans is better.

During the evening I'm alone in my room (my room mate is studying London and will get here on Friday) and my thoughts drift back to France. Jackie and I have made the sacred pinky oath to be in Paris together next summer (starting in June). We're thinking renting a flat, finding an under-the-table job as waitresses or such, and travelling in our off time. Then I'll be starting up at either Supelec or GTL in the fall. Merde, I love my life.

Countdown to my return to France: 11 months (that's less than a year!!! :D)

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