Thursday, June 24, 2010

It blows my mind...

...that two weeks ago, TWO WEEKS ago, I was in France. Only 15 days ago I visited Supelec and later walked the rainy streets of Paris. Only 14 days ago I said goodbye to good friends, and I said goodbye to the country that I miss more than anything (who knew that a big chunk of soil and a bunch of buildings could leave a girl heartbroken). It seems like it's been months.

But I'm supposed to be living in the present right? *Takes a breath* Alright. LA is going well. The CENS intern group is awesome - we've only known each other for four days but we all feel like it's been longer. By the end of these 8 weeks we're gonna be one big, hopefully not too dysfunctional, family. Tomorrow night is Zak's birthday. We're spending the evening at Ryon's and Zak is making dinner (it's what he wanted to do when we asked him what he wanted for his birthday, and I'm all for it <_<).>

And you know how life is serendipitous when things are meant to be? Well, turns out Zak knows a guy who went to Supelec. I just sent him an email tonight, asking for the honest truth about my future alma mater.

Elizabeth, my roomie, arrived this afternoon. She just got back from studying abroad near London yesterday. I'm pretty happy that my room mate is someone who also just back from sharing the epic, life-changing, most valuable and wonderful experience that is studying abroad. We've already swapped some stories with eerie similarities.

And gosh, I just love the CENs crew. Tuesday and Wednesday we were at a nature reserve that is a CENs lab test bed site. We spent maybe an hour working (taking out old sensor posts) and the rest of the time getting to know each other. Tuesday night we made s'mores and played a very intriguing game of two truths and a lie. And on Wednesday afternoon we hiked to the top of the mountain that the lodge was on. It was called the 4 Saints hike, because from the top one can see the four mountains in the area named after saints (along with LA smog...). It was beautiful! Click here for pics.

I should hit the sack about now; early to rise for a morning run. My friend Ryon is my running buddy. We went out today, and he tricked me into going the hard way (the night before he said we'd go the easy way). The hills here are killer! And the view isn't as scenic as it is in Cergy (parks, woods, farms, traditional French homes...have I mentioned yet how excited I am to go back to France? <_<)>

Bonne nuit!

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