Sunday, August 1, 2010

Montreal, I might become of thee

I spent a good couple hours this early afternoon researching Montreal (described on the website as a mix between Paris and New York City, with a relatively low cost of living - parfait), McGill and their application process and their Power Engineering Research Laboratory and even Dr. Geza Joos (I read a paper he wrote for the IEEE Power and Energy Magazine entitled "Training Future Power Engineers) who right now is looking like the professor I'd like to have as as my research advisor should I attend his fair university.

This is very exciting! I've made a list of questions to ask the department's graduate admissions representatives, whom I will promptly call when I return to Buffalo with free long distance calling access, and then I've also discovered the following on the ECE department's graduate positions listing website: "M. Eng and PhD positions are currently available in the area of Electric Energy Systems. Students interested in this field of study should contact:
Professor Geza Joos at this Email" so I'll be contacting Dr. Joos just as soon as I find out whether or not I would be able to apply directly to the PhD program or if I need to get my Master's first. One page said that PhD students usually enter holding a Master's degree...

And of course PhD students get reduced tuition, but Master's students do not without outside funding. Ugh. So we'll see.

I've decided to chop the West Coast off of my potential grad schools list. I just can't live without the four seasons, je suis desolee California. So that narrows it down to:

Georgia Tech
U Mich is a little iffy because they're energy program is still in the natal this might get the axe soon...
U of T is also a little iffy at this point

So really four schools that I'm serious about right now. With UB as the back-up, bien sur.

A much more managable size.

Now I need to get started on GRE hw so I can get into these schools...

1 comment:

  1. claire! hope you're doing well :) i'm also considering of applying at Boulder; I've heard it's a really cool place but I think I want a bigger city.. are you still thinking of applything there?
